St Mary’s College has a number of scholarships on offer to students.
St Mary’s College is a Catholic specialist school for students who are deaf or hard of hearing in the Dominican tradition. Through our scholarship program, we aim to provide for families who would not ordinarily be able to access an education with us without financial assistance. The College awards scholarships on an annual basis. Available scholarships include:
- Equity Scholarship 2025 - Submissions by 29th November 2024
- Dominican Scholarship 2025 - Submissions by 30 September 2024
St Mary’s College is committed to supporting families in need of a specialist Catholic education through our Equity Scholarship which assists with the cost associated with tuition. The scholarships cover between and 50% and 90% of tuition fees depending on family income. Equity Scholarships are offered as a result of generous bequests made to the College. Equity scholarships are awarded for a period of 3 years and maybe extended for a further 3 years if needed. Equity Scholarships are offered to students at all year levels.
Students with a moderate to profound bilateral hearing loss and either;
- from a family experiencing financial hardship* #, or
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, or
- refugee student, or family hardship caused through extenuating circumstances within the household.
* Families who hold a means tested Health Care Card (HCC) and are eligible for Camps, Sport and Excursion Fund (CSEF) qualify automatically for the MACS Fee Concession Program.
# Combined family income for non-Health Care Card Holders (HCC) is capped at $100,000.
Application Process
Applications are accepted until November 29th in the year prior to year 7 commencement. Applicants should complete either:
MACS School Fees Concession Application Form
Eligible HCC holders, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander or refugee applicants
Equity Scholarship General Application
Non-eligible HCC holders and family hardship applicants
Dominican scholarships are awarded in recognition of commitment to the shared values of our school and the Four Pillars of Dominican life, being community, service, study, and prayer. The scholarship covers 33% of tuition fees. Dominican scholarships are awarded for a period of 3 years.
Students currently in grade 5 or 6 with a year 7 offer of a place and a moderate to profound bilateral hearing loss who can;
- demonstrate significant commitment to the life and values of their current school or community e.g. social justice involvement, sport involvement, performing or creative arts, leadership roles, involvement in clubs, volunteering/official helper.
Application Process
Applications strictly close September 30th in the year prior to year 7.
Applicants should complete and submit:
Apply for a Scholarship
For more information on our scholarships, please contact our Finance Officer on 9800 2733.