
Welcome to our South Morang Campus.
Our deaf and hard of hearing students enrol into St Mary’s College and attend our campus based in Marymede Catholic College South Morang, where they immerse and thrive in all aspects of school life.
Our South Morang campus offers an integrated primary and secondary education for deaf and hard of hearing students from Prep to Year 12 at the one school location. Students attending the South Morang campus wear the Marymede uniform and are welcome in all classes and extracurricular activities.
Senior pathways available include VCE, VET and Vocational Major.
- Narelle Stone
"I appreciate the safe and relaxing environment that St Mary's has provided for me, which enables me to learn and study efficiently."
- Sarah, Year 11
"St Mary's College is the best because it helps me with my school work and it can be fun. Looking back at my primary school years at St Mary's College were some of the best years of my life where my learning has improved in so many ways."
- Amy, Year 6

South Morang Campus overview
Our South Morang campus is a welcoming local school community where students experience a sense of belonging and can develop their confidence and communication success needed to participate in any school, work or social environment.
The Marymede community has a strong, dual emphasis on personal endeavour and pastoral care that guides students towards responsible, mature adulthood with a passion for life, a love of learning and a determination to be of service to others.
The South Morang campus features spacious grounds with dedicated areas for primary learning, a Trade Centre and a new Performing Arts Centre. A second Marymede campus at Doreen will open in 2024.
Our campus is located in the northern suburb of Melbourne, situated at Marymede Catholic College, 60 Williamsons Road, South Morang.
Students can access public transport with school bus services making getting to and from our South Morang Campus easy. The transport to the South Morang campus is by car, chartered bus service, bike, walking from the nearest bus stop and train which stops directly in front of the College. Marymede also has bike racks for student use. Marymede offers two Charter Bus Services that run daily and travel through Kinglake, Eden Park, Whittlesea, Wollert, Epping North, Mernda, and South Morang. Students can also take a short walk from the bus stop after taking a Dyson bus traveling along Plenty Road and Findon Road.
More information on bus routes click here or contact Dysons on 9436 3800.
Prep transition
Transition programs for new students into Prep commence the year prior to starting and continue into term one of the child’s Prep year. Program Support Group (PSG/SSG) meetings are held with parents/guardians and other key people such as the Early Childhood teachers, Early Intervention professionals or other specialists such as Speech Pathologists to gain a holistic understanding of the learning and social needs of every student. Our Head of Campus arranges a visit to each student’s current kindergarten to see how they learn and engage with teachers and other children in order to create a program of support that will be both familiar to the child and based on their strengths and needs.
Extra transition
Further transition events are organised by Marymede such as information workshops, meet the teacher days (student and parents meet their Prep teacher prior to starting school) and staggered transition start times in Term one ensure students and families become familiar with teachers and the school environment in a supported and nurturing way.
Year 7 transition
Transition programs for new students, particularly at Year 7, commence the year prior to starting helping students navigate their secondary school learning environment and make connections. Program Support Group (PSG/SSG) meetings are held with students, parents/guardians and others including primary school Deaf Facility Coordinators or visiting teachers to gain a holistic understanding of the academic and social needs of every student.
Students can attend several events while in Year 6. Marymede provides an opportunity for students to get to know its College and other St Mary’s students that will commence in Year 7.
Extra transition
St Mary’s offers extra transition sessions focused on meeting and getting to know our staff and other deaf and hard of hearing students. These smaller orientation sessions allow students to familiarise themselves with the school and ask any questions they might have about secondary school life in a safe environment.